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PromoItalia Light Eyes

Improve skin elasticity and the aspect of wrinkles.

PromoItalia Light Eyes

An innovative cocktail containing Hyaluronic Acid, Ruscus, Vitamin C and Antioxidants able to improve skin elasticity and the aspect of wrinkles.

Indicated for improving the appearance of:

  • Dark circles around the eyes
  • Edema of the lower eyelid
  • Thin wrinkles
PromoItalia Light Eyes

PromoItalia Up Grade

A unique revitalizing cosmetic product containing Hyaluronic acid, Glycerol, Peptides, Coenzymes, and vitamins able to improve skin elasticity and tone to confer a visible tightening effect.

Indicated for improving the appearance of:

  • Thin wrinkles
  • Stressed and damaged skin
  • Highly dehydrated skin
  • Stressed and damaged skin


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